Automobiles body styles are highly variable. Some body styles remain in production, while others become less common or obsolete. They may or may not
Selasa, 30 November 2010

Senin, 29 November 2010
Automotive Dynamometer Systems(dynamo meter/rolling soad) information
Once you have built your new motor, or fitted any tuning parts you will NEED to visit a good automotive Dynamometer or rolling road. If you don't you will never be able to set up your engine properly. A good dynamometer allows you to use a gas analyser while under load so you can see the real air fuel mixture at all RPM's while driving.
Rather than discuss the subject on this site it is better if you go to my Automotive Dynamometer pages, as I used to build them! (Below)
Saving on Car Insurance
Before obtaining the cover of automobile insurance, it is important to look at around and to choose the cheaper automobile insurance. In order to do that, should seek various quotations of automobile insurance to you, and then analyze the variations among them. By looking at the way in which the quotations vary between them and how much cover is provided, you will be able to decide which is the cheaper and most effective for you. The most significant factors which affect a quotation of automobile insurance are the model and make car, how much old the car is, the work of the policy-holder, the kind of the driver, the residence and the experiment of the driver.
There are various kinds of cover available for the automobile insurance. The cost of your automobile insurance also depends like cover which you obtain. With RU, three categories of cover are available. They are third entirely complete and fire of third and insurance against the vol.
The automobile insurance of third is that which is most profitable and provides the cover only for the damage caused to the property, the car, the driver and to the passengers of the third. It does not cover for the damage with your car or driver. This insurance achieves the legal requirement minimum, and can be obtained for the cars, which are not new and are too not in value with the degradation of the performances.
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Not only this but the automatic insurance has it reduces the burden of the head that somebody is seriously concerned with the health of your car. Nowadays no body knows what will occur after few minutes. No body is fixed whole. Thus how a car could be? Consequently the insurance is of pivotal importance to obtain as soon as possible. Sometimes the drive on crossroads or caught up with in the another mobile vehicle which you can meet an accident or your car in the carpark was striped though you do not have anything to make with him. But your concern as a chief is the fall of the prices of your car or it will reduce the beauty of him. Consequently it is most important for those to have insurance the advantage.
The quotations of automobile insurance are accessible on line nowadays. You can simply sit down behind an office and by typewriting ones the Web of Internet of words us will carry you, Resultantly that we will give you with the best services in the short scale of the hour with all the close relation available of the best services to obtain repaired your car. However, anyhow very one damaged your car which the expenditure can draw the distiller extr�mement high are to us with you to repair you. We offer various quotations of insurance according to the force of your small pocket. The choice belongs to you to make. Without counting that if the car were damaged so much so that it always blocks the value of the car you can have a difference to make the damage-value with us.
Nowadays, large much of automatic insurance companies promises each thing but after the car met an accident they flies just to far. In conditions as such do not forget our cheap suggestions of automobile insurance. All the quotations are formulated in the agreement to adapt to your taste and accessibility. If you are sharp to travel by the car ensured then count on our online services. We promise that less admit much and provide all the necessaries the needs for a car of policy-holders.
Transmission Mission - It’s all in the timing
You have to reach that right speed before you can quickly shift your gears. Timing is crucial in getting the most out of your car’s powerful engine. You have to know when to get the beast out of your monstrous engine, as well as, taming the beast.
There are some ways to upgrade your transmission. You can choose from trusted transmission brands like Nissan, Mitsubishi, Tremec, and Honda. Honda makes different kinds of performance transmissions ranging from a basic one to custom made racing transmissions.
There are two types of transmissions: manual and automatic. Clutches are needed to engage or disengage a manual transmission, while with automatic transmissions torque converters take the place of clutches. Automatic transmissions are an advantage for racecars and cars with forced induction because even at a high rev, it can permit the car to stop. While on a stall, drivers then release the brakes for a super-charged launch.
Computers paved the way for the emergence of semi-automatic transmissions which we can say, give racecar drivers the best of both worlds.
In choosing gearboxes, choose those that are made of hard and durable materials to avoid breakage. Low-ratio gearboxes are said to provide improved acceleration and better mileage.
Another gearbox option is the sequential gearbox. This type of manual transmission gives the race driver the advantage of fast shifting. You only have to push the shift stick up every time you want to change to a higher gear, or pull the shift down if you want to use a lower gear.
Performance shift kits are available to make your shifting experience smoother and quicker. These shifts are well balanced and precise. Most of these performance shift kits are short, but easy to install.
Get your car a gear knob that will match your steering wheel or the interiors of your car. Gear knobs come in leather, carbon fiber, or choose an illuminated gear knob if this suits your fancy.
Always have your transmission fluid changed whenever it’s due to keep you shifting gears smoothly. Use synthetic oil with higher quality to take on the added heat due to continuous shifting.
9 tips to keep your engine running smoothly
Tending to your car will enable your car to travel longer down the road and will give you a sense of pride when you are fixing your car. Auto owners need to pay more attention to their cars so the junkyards and the streets don’t get cluttered up. The more cars we can keep on the road, the cleaner the streets will be. Fixing your older car can be fun and exciting and will give you a greater sense of appreciation of the automobile. All of the parts can be found in the auto parts stores and if by chance you can’t find them there, you can always go online and find them.
Recent surveys show that 5 out of 10 accidents could have been diverted by just doing basic maintenance on your vehicle. Just by doing simple maintenance on your vehicle, you can extend the life of your car, helping with a healthier and stable environment.
Tending to the upkeep of your engine can save you gas mileage and give you more of an understanding of the operation of your vehicle. If you know more about your car, when something goes wrong, you will be able to know what it is instead of taking it to the shop and spend extra money you don’t have. Tending to your car starts at the very beginning, from the first day you buy the car.
Basic maintenance starts with your basic tune-up. For that you need spark plugs, ignition wires, a distributer cap and a rotor. Here are a few tips to keep your car up and running longer.
- Change your oil every 3,000 to 5,000 miles. Your engine will start make weird noises if the motor is not kept up. When doing the oil change, make sure you change the oil filter as well. It will do no good if you run clean oil through a dirty oil filter.
- Check the tires every month. By checking your tires it will make sure your alignment is not off causing uneven ware on your tires. Make sure the tires on your car are properly inflated. If the tires are under inflated or over inflated, that can lead to serious problems later down the road.
- Check all of the fluid levels. The fluids you will need to check will include the power steering, brake, antifreeze, washer solvent and the transmission fluid. these fluids are essential for the operation and the safe running of the vehicle.
- Inspect the muffler of the car when it is running to make sure that it has good air flow through it. If the muffler is plugged, make sure you replace it right away.
- Clean the battery posts and cables when necessary and analyze the connection points for corrosion. Check the battery fluids and make sure it has enough fluid except for batteries that are maintenance-free.
- Inspect engine belts for any knicks and tears. Make sure the belt is running on the right track. You don’t want to replace a belt or even worse, a water pump while you are sitting on the side of the road.
- Underneath the car, you will find some grease receptacles to grease the moving components such as the ball joints and the tie-rods. Poor maintenance of these parts can put your car right into the ditch or even worse cause an accident.
- Make sure all of your headlights and taillights work. It is just a simple bulb exchange from a bad bulb to a good one. Check all of the lights on your car to see if they all work, if they don’t, replace them as soon as you can.
- Check and see if your wipers work. If the do, and wipe the windshield clean, you have nothing to worry about. If you turn your wipers on and you have streaks on the windshield, replace the wipers when you get a change. You need to see when you are out driving on the road.
Audi 80 Tuning
Despite being an older marque, the Audi 80, and it’s quattro variants, is still regarded as one of the finest automobiles for the tuning enthusiast giving good power range at very affordable prices. The Audi S2, a sport version with 2.2 liter turbo petrol engine was produced in 1991.
First manufactured in 1966, the Audi 80 had a long production run into the mid 1990s, with final cabriolet models rolling off the production line in 2000. One of Audi’s most popular models, the Audi 80 changed significantly over it’s development, although still retained the same classic lines through most variants.
Tuning an Audi 80 depends very much on year and engine type, and some parts for older variants may be very difficult to come by, resulting in quite a few owners of 1960s Audis having to source parts from wreckers yards or pay a premium for new parts manufactured by Audi.
Engine capacity and power output varied considerably over the thirty year production of the Audi 80, beginning with normally aspirated 1.6 liter engines right through to the final years of production when 2.0 liter petrol and 1.6 liter turbo diesel engines were fitted as standard.
The same body shape with larger 2.3 liter five cylinder engine and more luxurious interior trim was also marketed as the Audi 90. The two models are essentially the same, and a lot of cross compatibility of parts exists. In fact it is possible to drop a 2.3 liter from an Audi 90 into an Audi 80 with minor adjustment and proper tuning.
Tuning the Audi 80 for maximum performance should probably start with getting the engine and drivetrain back to as near new condition as possible, a full service and diagnostic analysis should be undertaken to ensure the baseline measurements conform to standard.
Owners of the turbo diesel and MPFI engines will get more performance thru acceleration and top end by re-chipping the car with an aftermarket chip, then tuning again with the new baseline. Most kits provide full installation instructions from removal of the old chip to soldering in the new chip an the entire process can take less than a couple of hours with the right setup.
Some models of Audi 80 do not feature a removable chip, and the entire computer will either need to be removed and sent to the chip programmer, or the car taken to a custom tuning workshop with the capability to reprogram the ECU.
Audi 80s are known for needing regular coolant changes, usually every two years, and before starting your cars performance tuning it’s a good idea to change the coolant and check for head gasket leaks.
Catalytic converters on the Audi 80 and variants can also be problematic, unfortunately it’s a design fault, and replacing this with one from a wreckers yard may not entirely solve the problem.
A new exhaust system with chrome tailpipes is an affordable option for tuning an Audi 80, and used systems may be readily available from trade and exchange markets.
Giving Your Car a Thorough Auto Tuning
The automatic agreement is really important if you want to maintain your car in its form of first order. This will also improve your car 's handling as well as to increase it your car 'value of S.
If you have a car, you probably know the importance of the automatic agreement. There are people who reach the automatic agreement because a pastime and there is people who do really this for a life. When you subject your car to an automatic agreement, you basically give to somebody the right to modify it, improve usually its execution or its handling.
Some also make grant their cars to adapt their model. It is not as hard as you all would think and that it takes is a little of knowledge and competence. Automatic agreement of comprehension
The cars are pretty much generic. Yes, they can be worth million dollars but they are pretty much generic. They are not made specifically to adapt to your model or your needs. This is why there are people who make grant their cars.
There are really many manners of granting a car. You can make it pulverize with a different color. Does your car have a tedious blue paintjob? do you like black to have painted it with scratches of the lightning of the red on the sides? You can place accessories that perhaps useless but could return your to seem of good car. You could add in the spoilers, the skirts on side, the vents, the double exhausts and of the stops. You can pulverize symbols or other conceives as well.
One of many the development popular that the cars usually have is the engine grant upwards.
Except the agreement to the top of the engine, you can also make other things related to your engine with 'execution of S. You can adjust your economy of fuel or you can modify your car 's T/MN. All these things are made not only to improve the aesthetic value of your car, but to also allow an easier handling and a better comfort.
Nowadays, the automatic agreement is not something which is taken slightly. In fact, there are events which you can join. People really hold of the events so that the owners of car meet and for compete with. The judges will select usually the car with the best agreement. You can even gain prices to have the best automatic agreement. The car granting your needs for car
It is recommended that your car should obtain an air to the top of all the 30.000 miles. It is a good manners to prevent permanent damage with your car. A complete automatic agreement includes the replacement of the gasoline filter. Candles and wire of candle, hat and rotor of distributor, valves, belts, filter air and recycling of gases of the casing. You can want to check your levels of the fluid as well. If your transmission or brake needs some fluids, provide him some. Give to your battery a complete cleaning as well. While you are with him, check your brakes, lights, brushes of windscreen wiper and other measurements of car.
The automatic agreement is important. This prevents damage with your car. This allows easy handling as well. With the regular automatic agreement, you will make sure that you will always have a turn clean and worthy of confidence.
Maximizing Your Engine, Performance Tuning
When him 's all does it, they turn the crank to the top of the dyno and become thoughtless above the profit of 3 powers in horses realized after roughly 4 work hours.
That 's not exactly how the majority would like to spend their weekend, and all for a negligible 3hp.
Naturally, 's to completely a little say there for these traditional computer-free that you can have full control more. However, when it has suddenly obtained more power in one nothing time and without having to tear your hands or piles of money launching cash on the parts hardware-to-find, a vehicle ordered by computer has a distinct advantage.
The good news is, you 'about probably driving a vehicle ordered by computer, like more sold during the century of last quarters. This made grant much easier, because a whole of programs determines how your engine carries out.
Replace simply your engine 'actions of S programming with some that 's adapted towards the execution and you will discover power gains almost immediately.
Just how can you obtain with those power gains in minutes? The answer is easy, with a programmer of power or the piece of execution, as those made by Hypertech or DiabloSport.
These programmers of power are designed to consider implementation plans created and examined by for. It 's so frank a cave man could do it.
Connect-Juste it with the port of OBD-II under your steering column, enter some simple yes orders or not to adjust how you want that the engine carries out, download the new programming, and you 'about loan to be rocked with 25 powers in horses or more. For the majority of people, this will take a 10 minutes maximum to achieve. Engines are installed to function the same thing for the enthusiasts of execution that they make for the octogenarians who believe that active more than 40 M/H is speed breakage-neck. You put 'falls of T in later, nor are you a carefree mom of football about the execution, you require it.
The programmers of execution aren 'average arrangements of T and that makes them a perfect match for you.
And, you put 't must worry about the guarantees. The companies which incite programmers to take into account safety with their arrangements and to promote them often give you manners of turning over to current arrangements for the service visits at the agency.
What 's more, as with all the mods of execution, you will be protected by federal law. He declares basically that your vehicle 'guaranteed S cannot be emptied by parts of execution unless they can be proven like source of breakdown.
Thus, there 's no good reason to wait if you 'about the glance to be connected easily on the true potential resting under your cap.
New Car: Peugeot Tries to Challenge Golf GTI
Peugeot Golf GTI brand isn't asleep for Peugeot afterwards all. Despite antecedent letters from assertive media outlets in the UK, the French close has just launched a new 308 GTi action auto archetypal for the European market.
Available alone as a 5-door archetypal (at atomic for the time being), the new 308 GTi gets the aforementioned 1.6-liter THP engine with a twin-scroll turbocharger begin on added PSA Peugeot and Citroen and MINI products, including Peugeot's own RCZ sports coupe.
It produces an achievement of 200-horsepower accessible from 5,500 to 6,800 rpm and a best torque of 275 Nm or 202.8 lb-ft amid 1,700 and 4,500 rpm. Power is beatific to the foreground auto through a six-speed chiral gearbox.
Peugeot says that the 308 GTi accelerates from aught to 100km/h (62mph) in 7.7 seconds, while it completes the 1,000m dart in 27.8 abnormal and allotment an boilerplate ammunition burning of 6.9 lt/100km or 34.1mpg US with 159 g/km of CO2.
The car's anatomy has aswell been acclimatized to bout the characteristics of the engine featuring a new abeyance and council caster arrangement setup, a 10mm lower ride acme and 340 mm bore anchor discs at the foreground and 290 mm at the rear. The 308 GTi rides on 18-inch admixture auto shod in 225/40 R18 action tires.
The administration upgrades over the accepted 308 are rather attenuate and cover a ablaze atramentous carbon-style admit beneath the foreground bumper, a lower foreground console acquired from the 308 CC, roof spoiler, a rear diffuser accomplished in Perla Nera black, GTI badges and accompanying chrome bankrupt pipes.
Distinctive autogenous appearance cover sports seats at the front, aluminum basal blow and accessory knob, covering action council caster with a bedfast basal and deride rests, and piano atramentous fascia trim.
In France, the 308 GTi will be launched on the10th June, with prices starting from €26,900
Toyota Yaris Tuning
Toyota Yaris is one of the latest feature cars of the Toyota. It has gone to be so successful that production of this latest Toyota flagship model is still in its momentum. Sporting a hip and compact look, the Toyota Yaris is, after all, an incarnation of what most Toyota fans have been asking for from Toyota. A stylish, compact and efficient car is what you asked for - and Toyota Yaris is what you get.
Toyota Yaris is ideally tailored as a family sedan that can accommodate four passengers. Comfort is perhaps one of its best features. With features like satellite navigation system, touch screen operation, Bluetooth, USB connection and full in-car sound system, you will, no doubt, feel the comfort of driving in your Toyota Yaris. And it can be bought for a $11,000 retail price, if you look hard enough. Performance-wise, however, Toyota Yaris does not have much to be proud of. At 50 to 150 BHP, the Toyota Yaris is not exactly your favorite runner. That’s why Toyota Yaris tuning may be exactly what you need.
Made of tensile steel, Toyota Yaris is rigid but lightweight - a feature you can take advantage of. Boosting your car engine’s with a supercharger may power up your engine’s efficiency and performance to as much as 30%. An ECU Tuning Chip may also do the trick. Be careful, though, because it’s no big secret that these procedures can be precarious.
Or you can use methods that will boost your Yaris’ performance, without handling its engine. The most popular choice is replacement of your tires with 15″ allow wheels. This will make your car a lot lighter, and therefore give less reason for your Yaris to run slow. There are also 18″ wheels, which you can use for traversing terrains. Tuning your Yaris by replacing the wheels can be a good option.
Who says pickup modification produces a form that is less pleasing to the eye. Bos Auto Design workshop, Bandar Lampung, South Sumatra, Endang prove with Toyota Kijang Super 1991. Flow absurdly chosen not bear, directly from the United States, namely Lowrider truckin. Deer breeding modification parts and Mitsubishi Kuda Capsules. In fact the car body color could be saving. The interior was redesigned and made of fiberglass. When viewed from the front has changed. As the hood was replaced with the Deer capsule. This resulted in replacement of the bone is made forward 20 cm to get the arch hood, and headlights fit a Mitsubishi Kuda mounted. To meet the characteristics of his Lowrider truckin was made body kit, fiberglass blend and galvanized plates, which refers to the Dynamic Tornado for the BMW 3 Series. The deck is shifted more up front 30 cm, while the rear deck 20 cm. Then, the effect created by cutting collapsed roof of the cabin about 12 cm. "Windshield slope angle is made smaller, while the side and rear glass to make new," said Endang. To the rear trunk lid using 0.8 mm galvanized plate, while the hinge mechanism is taken from the trunk hinges Honda Genio. Shockbreaker him wear a KIA Carnival, and for a different impression, like as if united with cabins connected by using fiberglass. Suspension inevitable dioprek. Holder of the front part of the increase. Likewise with the bottom so the game remains the optimal range, although torque system has reached the limit of shallow plays. The position was made more Shockbreaker back to sleep for more game space. To reduce violence by a leaf, two pieces per leaf (number two and three) removed. For the cabin, all on-custom, including the dashboard that is designed to use fiberglass. Then the speedometer of Mitsubishi Kuda adopted and placed in the center, while the indicator Auto Gauge and TV monitors come add color to the extreme cabin without being a mess. In addition to the speedometer, the other components of the horse that moved to Deer including power steering, air conditioning, and disc brakes. This last component to change the rate freeze front of the drum to disc. Body cultivation pretty neat. Sepatbor sweet (not too bloated) make the body look very elegant. Display it again sweetened with exhaust tip in the rear and front wheels even with the body .
Chevrolet Spark Matik launching Indonesia 2011
Cevrolet automatic spark will be present in Indonsia in 2011, GM Autoworld Indonesia (GMAI) end the promotional price for the Chevrolet Spark. When launched in IIMS 2010, last August the city car priced Rp139 million (manual) and Rp147 million (transformatic). Well, as of 1 November 2010 and the price is raised to Rp2 million for both.
From August to October 2010, Spark has sold 360 units. This amount exceeds the target set 30 units per month. In the past two months, sales of Spark is expected to increase above 200 units.
Spark A / T
Meanwhile, GMAI Spark plans to add automatic transmission variants in the first quarter of next year. This new model will be more expensive dibandol Rp10 million or Rp151 million per unit.
"We try to go at least late January or March next year. Although we have entered the A / T, type Transformatic retained because the price is competitive and there is demand from consumers
Modifikasi Mobil Toyota Avanza Full Variasi